Friday, April 13, 2012

De-Barking The Old Man

In Nature and Photography It's Called - Texture
In The Life of a Christian It's Called - The Old Man

Biology Lesson for the Day:  It's the normal rite of spring for a Sycamore Tree. Shedding it's bark. The Sycamore Tree is one of only a few trees that goes through a visually drastic process of  shedding it's outer layer. What comes off is dead, rough and scaly. What is left is smooth, pale green which turns to brilliant white as the tree grows it's leaves. I love the Sycamore Tree. They grow near water and have a lot of water content. Lightning is attracted to them. Moral of that story:  don't go near any tree during a thunder storm, but stay particularly clear of Sycamore Trees!

The real story! If I could see my "old man" shedding, how often would that be? How does that look?

I have hypothyroidism. Hence, I have an undue amount of dry skin--especially on my heels. I hate the sound of socks being pulled over my leather heels...cringe at the thought of putting on hose. They are doomed for the waste basket before they even get past the toes. Suffice it to say, I have plenty of dead skin to shed.

Have I noticed being shed of the "old Juanita"? I know that while in this body of dust, I will always have "old Juanita". But, as I head to the dust pile, there should be less of the old and more of the new. Recently, I've been noticing something new happening--transformation. I'm hoping that I don't notice so much of the "old" being shed, but nurturing the "new" being shaped. I've never felt this before. Putting off the "old man" was a scripture text and made a great word picture. But spiritual reality of "putting on the new man" is more than just a word picture in a scripture text. It's life. It's THE Life! He feels good and He fits perfectly. So long "old Juanita". Keep the "new" Life coming.

Curling dead bark on a tree is ugly-beautiful...makes for good images. It tells the story of growth, spring renewal, and ready for fruit-bearing. The same is true for us as believers. Only in the newness of Life does growth, renewal, and fruit emerge.

The image of the two branches shows the sharp contrast dwelling on/in the same tree. I have to say, it's the same in my spiritual life. I so want the NEW LIFE to be most evident.

Two forks of the same tree.
The Old Man Side and the New Man Side.

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