Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Too Much

Dew Drops
It's the little things. Ann Voskamp ( A Holy Experience With God ) opened my eyes to the ordinary, everyday, "all things" gifts. God reveals in His time which is another gift whether I believe that wholeheartedly at times or not. Naming the moment and recognizing it from God is such a gift from Him to me. My awareness and the Holy Spirit unite and thankfulness is created. My gift back to God. This also includes the not-so-lovely parts of the day. Doesn't He say to be thankful in all things, not for all things but in all things. God uses a messy house to reveal spiritual messes--a gift of not only earthly cleaning but the need of eternal cleaning. I have a home to clean--gift. God cleans this vessel's corners; rids it of taking Him and all the little things He's in for granted. It's too much to ponder. The senses are on hyper alert. And there is a smile on my face most of the day. Who knew such a thing would happen!

I have to say I am thankful for the "Too Muchness" in my life!

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