Friday, June 8, 2012

Friend - Follower of Christ

Joy abounds in little/many things:
scripture, light streaming through a window, colorful nail polish,
and friendship with a true Follow of Christ.

God-Stop Morning!

My friend, Betty, is a true Follower of Christ. We've been challenged and changed by Andy Stanley's series called CHRISTIAN ( ). Betty is living proof of Andy's teaching.

A small kindness. It shows her heart. It did wonderful things in my heart.

With this infirmity of mine, I'm sun sensitive. I have to slather myself with sunscreen, wear long sleeves and a hat, and hug the shade when I'm outside--even then, I can't be in the shade for more than an hour.

Betty's curious nature, "find the truth", and research for knowledge sent her on a quest for sun-block clothing. She called this morning giving me the results of her search.

It's not the task that she performed but her heart for me that proved her "christianity". I tear up thinking of God's love proven through Betty. And in God's economy, when love is given to another, love is gotten. So I know without a doubt that Betty is getting a double portion of what she gave to me today.

A person cannot outdo God's economy of investment. It's not keeping and saving love that increases it's value, it's in the giving it away. The returns are a thousand-fold; both for the giver and the receiver.

I have to say, joy is abounding today. I've experience so many blessings they can't be counted. One of those blessings is a true follower of Christ. And I have the awesome privilege of calling her friend.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Contended Discontentment

Light Hitting the Forest Canopy

Light travels approximately 186,282 miles per second. My mind cannot even wrap itself around that "fast". What I can wrap my mind around is the light itself. I love it. This is the view from my rocking chair. I'm an early riser and here is where I sit to connect with the Lord the majority of mornings. Weather permitting, I look forward to the first hits of light on the tree tops. It washes through the canopy and all different shades of green and brown appear. The contrast against blue sky enhances the effect.

In January, as I was reading my Bible, I was drawn to the word light, Light. I have been taking note of it ever since--both scripturally, and naturally. I especially was aware of light Easter morning and I blogged about it ( ). So what does light or The Light have to do with contended discontentment?

With my diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, and further classified to a connective tissue disorder, I am sensitive to light. With any large amount of time spent in the sun, I come away with sun poisoning. I'm not so crazy about the light in regards to this development! That's an understatement! I am an outdoor gal. My well-being has been tied to nature. What was my soul's nourishment has now become my body's enemy. It's as if I have lost my first love. I grieve. I ache.

How do I garden? Tend to my flower beds? What of family vacations at the beach? How do Jack and I sightsee on our trips west to California to see our daughter? Once there, how do we play with our grandson's? Southern California is meant to be experienced outside. What about visits to West Virginia to my childhood home which is a large farm. Outside is the norm! It's the living room of the farm! Cookouts? Hikes? Swimming? Watching little league games? Playing with grandchildren on the swing set? Oh, how I mourn.

Perhaps this is only temporary. I deny. But, perhaps!

A new normal. That sucks! Sorry! But it does!

And yet!

I watched the sun hit the canopy of trees this morning and I smiled. A gift. A gift to give thanks to The Light. My light-starved soul was nourished. I recognized my Friend, The Light. All the things that I will have to lay down due to sunlight, will be compensated and are compensated in Him, The Eternal Light. I will have to learn this lesson over and over and over and over and over again. I have so much of my desert-walking, wilderness wanderers' tendencies in my veins. I know myself. I will grumble. I have my own Egypts to flee. And I too am fickle and want to return to my bondage; glamorizing the slavery just because I face an obstacle now as well as an unknown future.

The Light surrounds it all:  the obstacle now and the future unknown. I pray I learn to trust The Light of the World. For now, I just need Him with me in my yards! I correct myself: I need Him with me as I stand at my doors gazing out at the yards.

Paradoxes are a part of life. My body needs light--vitamin D!!! My soul needs the big "D"--Deliverer. I have to say that my contented discontentment is a paradox that keeps me seeking The Light.

Light Creeps Through the Branches and Washes the Ground

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Come Paint"

My first painting in over 25 years.
"Even here,   
   after all the years,
         let's meet again,
   in this place."

That is the silliest thing, Lord. Come paint?!

This past week I spent money on very good watercolor brushes, good watercolor paper, but relatively inexpensive watercolor paints. Not sure of my logic in the paints, but they work...for now.

I also bought a watercolor book by someone who shows you how to watercolor. Pictures only show you the outcome of the author/artist. It does not show you how they hold their brush, how they load their brush with paint, apply it to the paper, strokes in creating what they want...all is served my purpose. I got use to holding the brushes again, mixing water and paint, putting it to the paper, and regain the feel of the medium.

I worked for about an hour feeling rather shy, apprehensive, and afraid to commit to the next step. But when it came to the point where I needed to let the picture dry before continuing to the next and last step, I felt satisfied that I had something to show in spite of my apprehension.

You see, I loved to paint when I was a kid; late grade school and early high school. We did not have an art program in my high school so I was on my own. Probably a good thing because I may not have continued if I was in a place where I would compare myself to other's work. This I learned early: there are always others who can do it better. Even with that understanding, it baffles me how I became a perfectionist. Actually I do know. But it's neither here nor there at this point. (What does that saying mean?)

Several months ago, I had this whim cross my mind of wanting to watercolor again. I enjoy the fluid aspect of watercolors. Much of the time you have no control how the paints flow with each other or the direction they surge toward. (It's called wash-painting.) This appeals to me because I like the random, impromptu, and unexpected...when it's not a catastrophe, that is!

I dismissed the idea...until...I met with my friend and life coach, Mary. Out of the blue (I thought) she suggested I paint again. It so startled me. She had felt the insight prompted by the Lord. It was one of those God-stop moments. It warmed my heart. I loved His message as well as the way He delivered the message...through a friend that I love.

I put the message off for many weeks...until this week. And after I dabbled with the paints earlier this week, I had not gone back to the painting. In my silence with the Lord this morning, He did it again. Out of the blue, I felt these words, "Come paint!"

So about two hours ago I went back to my painting. I looked at my picture, at the book, organized my brushes, refilled my water jars and began. This time I wasn't as tentative. I added a few things that were not in the book! I signed my name as I had projects in college. (By the way, my major in college was Art Education! To this day I am amazed that I took a leap and let my heart lead when I changed my major from Home Economics to Art. Who uses or even knows what Home Economics is these days except for those of us in the Baby-Boomer generation? Wise choice to follow my heart!) I sat looking at my picture. It was a stark picture. Rather desolate. Much like my pictures when I was young. The feelings of a young girl craving significance came rushing over me. And then I felt these words, "Even now, let's meet again, after all the years, in this place."

It wasn't the place that I painted in the picture. It was the place where I sat painting. It was the place where God was. I did not recognize it as a kid. As a kid, I only knew it as a place of solitude, escape, enjoyment, creating, solace, yearning, my world. I did not know HE was there. I didn't know. He waited. Today He called me back to this place to become re-acquainted again with solitude, escape, enjoyment, creating, solace, yearning, His world.

I have to say that the picture doesn't matter, it's the "coming to the place" and Who is waiting there.