Friday, June 8, 2012

Friend - Follower of Christ

Joy abounds in little/many things:
scripture, light streaming through a window, colorful nail polish,
and friendship with a true Follow of Christ.

God-Stop Morning!

My friend, Betty, is a true Follower of Christ. We've been challenged and changed by Andy Stanley's series called CHRISTIAN ( ). Betty is living proof of Andy's teaching.

A small kindness. It shows her heart. It did wonderful things in my heart.

With this infirmity of mine, I'm sun sensitive. I have to slather myself with sunscreen, wear long sleeves and a hat, and hug the shade when I'm outside--even then, I can't be in the shade for more than an hour.

Betty's curious nature, "find the truth", and research for knowledge sent her on a quest for sun-block clothing. She called this morning giving me the results of her search.

It's not the task that she performed but her heart for me that proved her "christianity". I tear up thinking of God's love proven through Betty. And in God's economy, when love is given to another, love is gotten. So I know without a doubt that Betty is getting a double portion of what she gave to me today.

A person cannot outdo God's economy of investment. It's not keeping and saving love that increases it's value, it's in the giving it away. The returns are a thousand-fold; both for the giver and the receiver.

I have to say, joy is abounding today. I've experience so many blessings they can't be counted. One of those blessings is a true follower of Christ. And I have the awesome privilege of calling her friend.

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