Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Course and New Destination

Sunrise speaks to me of God's mercies new for each day.
The quiet early morning is my favorite part of the day.

I met with a Life Coach this past week who is also a person that I place within my group of 7 people that I trust explicitly. I value her knowledge, experiences, and skill. I have watched her Christian walk over the years and no one can deny her depth or love for the Lord. She assigned me a book called, "Sacred Rhythms" by Ruth Haley Barton. Add to this book my morning readings from "My Utmost For His Highest" and "Daily Light" scripture passages for the day, I began to understand that even though I cannot see where I am on the rocking waves (see last post), I am headed in a direction that is God's destination. My tendency is to watch the waves and become too engaged with the tossing of the boat instead of realizing I need to keep my eyes ahead or even looking up in submission to where the Lord is taking me. Gazing up and out keeps me from looking down and in which makes me want to figure out how to settle the rocking or change direction to ease the ride. Always wanting to be in control.

I shared with my Bible Study gals yesterday this new place that I find myself in. All my past "comfort zones" are gone. This is a very unsettling place. Areas of pride have been uncovered, self-reliance has been shaken, self-assurance is a vapor. It's a new dawn. In spite of the bombardment of feelings and emotions surrounding this new destination, my soul's desperation and spirit's longing is guiding me into the presence of the Most High. God's workings and presence in my past cannot be taken from me. All of those God experiences are enmeshed within my soul/spirit and resonate that He is faithful. I am ready for this new destination--well, ready or not, I'm going! It's His timing and His plan.

I have to say, it's a new morning and I'm looking up. In my readings this morning this was the message:  He is close, He is near, I can come boldly to Him, and He is preparing me to serve Him and others with a truer heart.

1 comment:

  1. The last 2 photographs are BREATH taking! You have a "good eye". No one has life "figured" out, it's a constant reminder of how gracious Jesus is to all of us. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, is and is to come. Your writings encourage me, and put a smile on my face.
