Friday, February 3, 2012


Two & Three Day Old Chicks

If you have never held a baby chick, you are missing a treat. (Put that on your bucket list!) You cannot keep from smiling when you hear, feel, and hold one of these little hatchlings. I had 18 eggs in the Genesis incubator and these 6 are the result. The other 12 eggs were not fertile eggs--I checked them after I turned off the unit. I went outside and threw them against the tree--if they are runny, they are not fertilized. If there is a glop, then somewhere along the line, the glop stopped growing because something was wrong. All the eggs were runny. I feel better that there were no glops. (There's a lesson in that fact; it'll be tucked away for another time.)

Have you ever had one of those days that you have felt yourself out of kilter. Not being productive in the accomplishing of a task--like unloading the dishwasher and emptying the sink of dirty dishes? The "want-to" isn't wanting to. Neither is the "need-to"! I'll go do it now--be right back! Took 9 minutes! That helps!

Nine minutes. Sometimes that's all it takes to change things. What other things in my life can I change in 9 minutes? Of course, there are the usual housekeeping chores, but I want to go deeper--within.

All the "bits" of time that I spent this morning in reading the Daily Light, My Utmost..., and the lesson in my James Bible Study, have pointed me somewhere. I need to focus. What is it that You are wanting to interrupt my day and have me to GET?

I can't get consecration out of my thoughts. That's not a word I use or think of everyday. It was in my "Utmost..." reading today. Separated. Set apart. For something. I have been consecrated. What does that look like? (I know all the religious answers--I want the bare-knuckle, honest, 21st century picture.) I picture monks, priests in robes, Jesus. And I hear all the voices calling out all the saints in the Bible. I'm not wanting to make this hard--I want to "get" what it looks like for me today, right now, by myself, with my 6 little chicks--in 9 minutes if possible!!! I am set-apart unto the Lord! I reclinith in my computer chair, ponderithing this large spiritual truth! I have all the Vine's & Strong's Commentaries, Lexicons, etc--I can research and dissect, cross-reference all I want. I have all the knowledge. I want the heart of it--His heart for me, at this instant or in 9 minutes!

Is this something that is done to me (yes); am I to be doing something to set myself apart (yes)...then what am I to be setting myself apart for right now? Is it the thinking upon it? Is it latching onto the "how big" that work of God is in my life, so undeserved? Is the meditating and not forgetting that work that He accomplished on the cross, and making those thoughts into a 9-minute offering? Each day I am to offer myself to Him, consecrated to Him--He has done the HUGE work, it is a small thing in that context, that I offer back to Him my day, plans, desires, motives, etc. I cannot consecrate myself...I can only submit and offer. It doesn't even take  9-minutes to do it.

I have to say, I think God wants more of me than just 9 minutes.

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