Sunday, January 29, 2012


Incubator with 18 eggs ready to hatch in 3 days.

This is my last day of fasting. I have not watched television for a week and have not missed it one bit. There are some other things that I have done/not done but those are between the Lord and I. I have a wave of melancholy. This has been so different. It has been meaningful.

I've been "mothering" 18 eggs since January 12th. They will hatch this Wednesday. There have been little thoughts that the Lord has dropped in me at times while I've been "fooling" with these eggs. These are nuggets that I won't share because they are just between God and I. When I turned the eggs over today (suppose to turn them 2-3 times a day until the last 3 days and then I leave them alone), the brand of the incubator jumped out at me. Genesis. "In the beginning..." New beginnings. In three days, these eggs will be no more and there will life. Adorable, cute, fuzzy, little yellow chicks that will think I am their mommy!!!

Genesis! This fast has been my genesis out of the desert. Tomorrow will be my genesis with the Lord without fasting. Each day after that is another genesis day with the Lord. I'm smiling over those thoughts.

Remember that neighbor that I apologized to? She and I talked today. She hasn't changed, but I have! Jack and I talked about that whole situation and I said a quick "burp" prayer for her. I pray that she'll have a genesis one day.

During this fasting week, God connected me with several significant people in my past who have had huge influences and impact on my spiritual growth--Kathy started it! Then my 70's Bible Study gals. The timing of these reunions has been God showin' up and I've seen HIM. God's reminder through these reunions:  His sustaining work throughout the years--through these dear friends lives as well as my own. Lots of genesis happening through the years with all of these friends.

In two weeks, my Wednesday Bible Study gals & I will start a new Beth Moore study, James. I know there will be some genesis happening there! This is God's present work--the working out of my sanctification with and in front of these gals who hold me accountable and I them! We will be "genesising" together!

There are three more people that I need to add to this list who are very much connected to any and all of my genesises (is that how you spell more than one genesis) and have been a part of my fasting week. My daughter, Shelly, my sister, Laura, and my best friend, Dell! They have been my deepest confidantes. I will start crying if I write anymore. These three know my heart and my life more than any other humans on this earth. They are alway part of any genesis in my life. The lesson here:  I AM TRULY A BLESSED WOMAN.

What happens to this blog now? I've no clue. It may have a genesis of it's own.

Now, all I have to say is...AMEN & AMEN.

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