Friday, January 27, 2012

Active Listening

The Bluebird that I heard
during me Listening Invitation!

I’ve been up since 5:30 this morning. Love the mornings. I’m DEFINITELY a morning person. As soon as I walked into the hallway I heard the splatter of raindrops on the skylight. Within 5 seconds that splattering turned into a downpour. Ahhhhh! Is there nothing more soothing than an early morning rain? About an hour later, I heard Jack raise the window in our bedroom; I walked back expecting him to be getting ready for the day, instead the lights were still out, he was belly-down across the bed with his head toward the window—listening. He comments, “It’s so relaxing listening to the rain!” (At this time in my hubby’s life, he needs all the stress relievers he can get.)

Fast forward to mid-morning. I’m outside in glorious sunshine. The temperature is near 60, other than the wet ground and water standing in the wetlands, you’d never know there had been a deluge of rain just 2 hours ago. Walking up the driveway, I stop dead in my tracks. I close my eyes relishing the warmth. Then I hear! Passing cars—tuning in I can detect the difference between cars, trucks, cement trucks, semi-trucks—tuning in further I can recognize a Mustang! (Being Ford owners all our lives, knowing the sound of a Mustang is like recognizing one of my own children’s voices!!!)

I press myself to broaden my search for sounds. Eyes still closed. Birds. Cawing of a Crow. Chickadee. Cardinal. Tufted Titmouse. Bluebird. The contented “caaacaaa” from one of my hens. The clicking of the talons of one hen coming up behind me on the asphalt. A rooster crows. The neighbor’s rooster crows. A plane overhead. The dripping of water from the gutter.  “Noah” our cat meows at my feet…interestingly, I did not hear him walking up to me.

All these sounds I could hear within a matter of seconds after closing my eyes and giving full rein to my audio senses. The quickening comes: how much do you tune out, Juanita, when there is proof of Me and My activity continually. Stop! Close your eyes! Wait! Listen! Or touch! Go deep within and feel! Smell! And when you dare—open your eyes and SEE! Worship.

I don’t have to say what was poignantly evident—it was a God invitation to join Him for that moment.

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