Monday, January 23, 2012

God Used Kathy's Blog

It's one thing to be awakened in the middle of the night by my newborn's hungry cry, but it's not a newborn that is waking me up in the middle of the night. It's been 34 years since my last newborn. I could once blame night sweats and hot flashes but that insanity season has passed. The hot flashes have but perhaps the insanity hasn't. Will have to discuss that with Jack. Nope, don't have to do that, I already know his answer.

Last night I woke from a sound sleep at 1:00am. Went to the bathroom and then snuggled back into my warm bed. At 2:00am, I was roused by Jack's soft snoring. I most likely would have never noticed his low decibels at that moment if I hadn't been awakened earlier. Some nights he has driven me from the bedroom to another spare bed because of his revved up, high performance reverberations. But this night, I could not blame this warm soul, of forty-two years come February, lying next to me. Could have been the caffeine from a cup of coffee at 8:30 pm. But with twenty-twenty hindsight, I know without a doubt it was the perfect Lover of my soul who brought me to be wide awake. So, at 3:00am I dressed (yep, I'm sometimes a night-nudie--throw back to my hot flash nights), felt around for my ipad & reading glasses, and quietly made my way to Shawn's old bedroom.

I finished the last two chapters of Robert Whitlow's, Greater Love, Tides of Truth Series, Book 3. Again, with those twenty-twenty spectacles, I see where God was up to something when I was in the midst of Book 2 of this trilogy. He is somethin' huh!?!

Sleep was no where on the horizon, much less the sun. So I decided to check my emails. And there she was. My friend, Kathy. Kathryn. Her Christmas newletter/blog/email began with her picture of her new home in South Dakota. In the movie, Jerry McGuire, I loved Rene Zellweger's line, "Shut up, you had me at hello." Well, Kathy/Kathryn had me with her beautiful winter snow covered home against the landscape of the Black Hill's pines. I started reading and I was transported--I could taste, hear, smell, touch, and see through Kathy's pallet of words. (I'm sticking with Kathy, because it's taking too long to write Kathy/Kathryn!)

More importantly, God had me. I caught up with my friend for the next hour. I was so enmeshed with her heart and soul that vicariouly had a whole new meaning. As I closed out her 2011 blogging, I was thankfully sleepy. I laid the ipad on the floor and stared out the window into the dark dark blue night and whispered a plea of repentance. (Long story and I'm not tellin'!) My trek of a year through a spiritual desert was done as I stepped into Kathy's description of South Dakota. I love the west. I love God's timing more. I cried. Then I slept.

I have to say, spiritual deserts are not fun. God designs some of them for us and others are of our own making. Those are the ones He redeems. I will now take my twenty-twenty spiritual specks and let Him reinforce the lessons on which He wants me to focus. Some I already have a clear view. I want to see what He wants me to see and I want to hear what He wants to say.

1 comment:

  1. Ok- You had me at "God used Kathy's Blog" Touching a heart is the dream of every writer. I'm so glad to be back in touch.
    Kathy/ Kathryn ( who doesn't always know who she is either!)
