Saturday, January 28, 2012

Furnace People...Not What You Think

The Original 70's Bible Study
Cathy, Cathy, Pauletta, Kerry, Juanita, Dottie

The neatest thing happened today. The Bible Study that I was in during the 70’s had a reunion!!! There were 6 of us. The last study we did together was in 1977 or 1978. I don’t know if we all stepped back and were in our 20’s - 30’s or if we all stepped forward to the present...probably a little of both. The ease, trust, love, and familiarity picked up where we left off. We had a brunch, laughed a bit and then started into the serious part of catching up our lives.

One thing was obvious: our life trials revolved around husbands, kids, or grandkids. God chooses our family. These relationships that are the closest to us have been the crucible of God’s refining. Half of the gals are no longer married, the other half have at some point wished they weren’t! All have grandchildren except for one. And all have been or still are entwined with their grown children’s poor choices or life devastations of which no one is to blame. As we laughed and cried through each gal’s story we felt what that time was like for her. Some kept in touch and went through the “fire” with them; most of us lost touch and had no idea of the ordeals. The six gals who sat around that table could have given Oprah a run for her money as far as heart wrenching show stories. Not a single one of us would have picked any one else’s “fire” to go through. As the three Hebrew children came out of the fiery furnace, there was not a singed fiber or hair, not a twinge of smoke, and no burn marks anywhere...the same was/is true for those of us around that table. If the stories had not been shared, you could not have detected a furnace experience. I love these fellow-furnace survivors.

I asked God to give me insight for this reunion and how it relates to my fasting. I’m going to start writing because I’ve not formulated any revelations up to this point...let’s see what happens!

--Going through horrible life experiences doesn’t mean God isn’t part of it--He is the biggest part of it.
--If but for God...
--Laughter is medicine.
--Tears are a great detox.
--His timing is everything, but not necessarily liked.
--Trust Him

There could be an endless list but I’m not going to get bogged down into trying to “get it all”. I want the Spirit to drop new nuggets of this reunion into my thoughts whenever He wants. I’m sure He’ll use some of today’s experience to fill my corners that He has had access to during my fast.

Today was refreshing. Today was a rekindling of important spiritual foundations laid together with these ladies. My sisters in Christ. My traveling companions, whether near or far, as we make our way through this life into the next. These gals are the forerunners of my present day Wednesday Bible Study gals. No one can replace my Original Bible Study. We were together at that time because, quite frankly, that’s how God planned it.

I have to say...God is very, very good...all the time! Glory!

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