Sunday, January 29, 2012


My friend is on her way to the airport. She's off to a place to face her biggest fears and to come out of her captivity. I know I'm up this early to pray for her. She is consuming my thoughts. As I got my cup of coffee just now, I think the Lord put in me the feelings that she is having. Around my heart it feels like sharks are swimming--holey moley--the fear and angst is unbearable.

If I were God, I'd heal her RIGHT NOW! If I were God, I'd fill her with all those things that she has needed all her life. If I were God, I'd give her every answer that weighs heavy on her. If I were God...

That's been MY problem...I've been playing God in my life. I've been the biggest idol that has replaced my Lord and Savior. What a two-fold insight within 30 seconds. Talk about God showin' up!

This last day of fasting kinda feels like You are going to come quickly with some things, Lord. Forgive me for committing idolatry. Even though Jack and I have Welcome Center at church today, show up and don't let me miss You.

What do you have to say today, Lord? Help me & my friend to hear it...Amen!

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