Thursday, January 26, 2012

This is me in 2009 on New Year's Day reading My Utmost for His Highest.
I had been starting the day in my "prayer room". What happened?
It's Lucinda's fault!

(I wrote the below musings yesterday immediately after I got home from my non-counseling session. But when I finished writing, I knew there was more askew than my missed counseling session. So, the soul searching and confession that I posted yesterday was needful for my fasting purposes.

Today is a new day. I had my counseling session and it was very helpful. Starting the day right and watching for God to enter my day however He wanted has been a spiritual and emotional high. What a difference a day does make!)

I listen to the radio when I drive. A few days ago a commercial got my attention. A booming deep voice announces:  “”! Had my attention. Then evil twin Lucinda, perks up and says…”well, where is “”!” (Does anyone else have an evil twin? Honestly, she drives me nuts. That’s another blog for another time!) All that digression to say, until I finish my fast, I’m inventing a new make believe website:!!!

I’m realizing that this blog is part of my fast. It’s given me time to slow down my thinking enough for the Lord to penetrate my mind and heart before I go too far off into left field…or in my case, back into the desert! Since Kathy has been the inspiration for my newly created blog, I claim domain rights to this new made-up website. But I will bequeath it to Kathy anytime she wants it.

Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. It’s the day I recover some of my sanity. It’s the day I laugh—out loud. It’s the day I can cry over someone else’s heartache and be there for them. Wednesday morning my four dear, dear friends and I meet at Paneras and draw strength from each other. (This time together each week has definitely been an oasis.)

I’ve started seeing a counselor again. I need some fresh eyes and ears on why I am sabotaging my efforts to lose weight. My Wednesday gals have helped tremendously but I know when more is needed. The bad thing about professional counseling is that it costs a bit more than a bagel and a cup of coffee with my gals! I’ve made my appointments on Wednesdays after our girl-time. I was an hour early so I parked outside the building and grabbed my iphone. Opened my Kindle app and started reading my historical fiction. Sun is warm coming through my side window and I’m soon transported to Colorado, on a ranch, with the cowgirl and cowboy apprehending the bad guy—who turns out to be the cowboy’s long lost younger brother. Get to the end of the chapter and I check the time and I have 20 minutes before my appointment. So I decide to go to the waiting area and read until the doc calls me. I go the elevator, push button 2 and make the 15 second ride by myself. Door opens:  where are the big brown double doors into the reception area? Panic! I’m not at the counselor’s office; I’m at my dermatologist’s office. Rush to elevator. Out the door. Into my car. Driving to where I think is a quick exit to the highway, I come to a dead end. More panic. Finally, I find and merge into the traffic. (I should have taken the interstate! Is it too late to turn around? Call doc. Leave voicemail and let her know I’m running late. Oh No…I missed my turn and now I have to go turn around and I can’t make a left turn onto the street that I’m suppose to take…awww, nothing coming so I’ll turn into the parking lot on the corner and then come out on the street I need to be on. I think of Kathy.) I arrive 10 minutes late and call doc (actually a voicemail) to tell her that I’m in the reception area. At 2:30 doc comes and looks at me funny. And a sinking feeling makes me say, “Was my appointment tomorrow?” (Could have sworn it was today…I purposely made it on this day after our gal-time.) We go to her office and discover that it was her mistake. She had accidently erased my appointment time instead of another patient. She had rescheduled me for Thursday at 4:00, which I know I never would have made. It would have put me smack-dab in the middle of west-bound rush hour—no way, Jose!!! She apologizes and we make an appointment for the next day.

I have to say the obvious: no appointment is necessary with my Heavenly Counselor. He is always available. Listening to my mind on the way home, I have issues! Doc can help me with some of it, but He can help me with it all. Oh! And I have “”!

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